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Has anybody any experience using Publitio with Oxygen Builder in WordPress? If so I'd love some advice how to import a video simply. I'm a novice both to Publitio and to a lesser degree, Oxygen. Any help, however simple, would be greatly appreciated.

BY nikikinz 1056 2
video Oxygen
Jul 11, 2020

Hello is there any advance on this subject?

Are Publito hosted videos available to view in China? Are they blocked like YouTube and Vimeo?

BY Ian Thompson 1477 2
access china streaming firewall
Jeremy Carman
Jeremy Carman
Sep 12, 2019

I am currently testing in China. Without a VPN, streaming the videos are all but at a standstill.

Hi, how can I get SSL certs for my CNAME URL? Thanks.

BY Andrew Low 1026 1
Nemanja Divjak
Nemanja Divjak
Sep 09, 2019

Hello Andrew here is tutorial for this

after you finish your side of integration we need to generate certificates on our side and we do that few times a day.
So if everything you were supposed to do is done then it will start working soon.
Reach us via chat support if needed.

5 years ago HLS Security


I am very interested in this product but do you plan to add any more security options to it in the near future such as HLS security and secured access by email? 

If so what would the time scale be? 



BY Matt 1083 1
Nemanja Divjak
Nemanja Divjak
Sep 09, 2019

We are exploring HLS option to implement if it's possible to deploy servers on our current infrastructure so it's just matter of time when we will have it but it will be before new year. If we can't deploy it on our own infrastructure and we have to use for example Amazon Services for this we might implement it but it would be at special pricing as Amazon charges over 100$/1TB.
So time frame ETA 2-3 Months it's in the list of priorities.

On the price started at $49.00 for a lifetime validity with 500 GB streaming every month and it goes to $490.00 for a lifetime validity with 5 TB streaming every month. Is it a scam on appsumo or this is a genuine deal? If it's genuine deal then I would like to know will HLS encryption would be added in future and if yes then when?

BY Faisal Shaikh 1066 3
Faisal Shaikh
Faisal Shaikh
Jul 11, 2020

No. Publitio doesn't have any kind of encryption. They said it will be added in firste quarter of 2020 but still it's under development process.

They also said that their HLS encryption is ready and they just need to integrate with server. And they are integrating from last 8 months.

We can just say it's poor development team. Nothing else.

How can I transfer all the photos of an existed website (wordpress) to publitio in most effective (massive) way?

A second question, if later on I want to move the website of a partner to another server (and the photos out of my publitio account) how can I give the images, so the website will be working (but not my expense)?

BY Orestis Matsoukas 1047 1
website transfer masive
Nemanja Divjak
Nemanja Divjak
Sep 06, 2019

Hey Oretis, so for moving of content from Wordpress we are preparing new plugin called Offloading it's in test phase and should be live in next 20-30 days. It will be able to offload complete media library from wordpress to Publitio by just enabling it. You will have copy on your server and publitio but serving be from publitio infrastructure as long as plugin is enabled.
Other option you can use our SDK tools and build your own solution to do this kind of job please visit and search for SDK that you would need. For second question I don't know exact way to do it at this moment but you can write PHP script that would copy all files from one website to other via API. It's more technical solution. We are planing to build some sync and backup tools in the future.

When the user access control is going to exist??
I really like Publitio but I am not using it as I need the folders to be hidden from other users.
I have few websites with plenty of images, but I dont want any user (admin of each website) to have access to all the content from other sites, so for the moment I can use publitio in just one website.

BY Orestis Matsoukas 1587 2
folders users access
Meeloun Education
Meeloun Education
Jul 12, 2024

商科代写 要想达到优秀的标准,必须在理解任务要求与明确目标、深入研究与资料收集、结构设计与内容组织、语言表达与引用规范、以及审校与修改完善等方面下足功夫。通过充分的沟通、扎实的研究、科学合理的结构设计、正确规范的引用和全面细致的审校,代写者可以确保作业内容的学术价值和实际意义,满足客户的期望和学术标准,最终获得满意的分数。未来,随着学术要求的不断提升和代写市场的规范化,代写服务还需不断提升自身的专业水平和服务质量,才能在激烈的市场竞争中持续保持领先地位。

5 years ago vooplayer

How to link to a video to player with Vooplayer?

BY Rikk Rikk 1135 1
5 years ago Loop video


how do I loop a video when embedded?



BY Puntorosso 922 1
Mar 17, 2020

Simplest solution is to add "loop" option to video src tag :

Or use Publitio Player (with Loop option set to ON)

Just need to know if I have to reformat iphone videos in order to use them in Thanks!

BY Jody Arthur 893 1
Predrag Marković
Predrag Marković
Aug 21, 2019

You should upload normally your iphone videos, just check what video extension iphone use. And after that check our documentation for video types we support ->