Recent questions from F.A.Q


BY aadesh shir 981 1
Predrag Marković
Predrag Marković
Aug 21, 2019

How we can help you? Do you want to use Publitio for your project/work?

5 years ago Referral Program

Is there any referral program like this?

Where's my referral link? 

BY Bayu Angora 1000 1
Predrag Marković
Predrag Marković
Aug 09, 2019

Yes, of course. There is referral program ->

Hi, I keep getting an error message when i try and play one of my videos. Here is the video ID-InVideo___Start_your_verypprender_1564503375031

Could someone look into it for me.


BY Manatsa Chipunza 998 1
Predrag Marković
Predrag Marković
Aug 21, 2019

Hi Manatsa, the issue might be connected that video is not yet converted, it should be working now.
When you have an issue with video please go to file view of that file and check the status of video it should be green when everything is ready for delivery.

5 years ago Error

Chi I get this error?


BY Puntorosso 884 1
Predrag Marković
Predrag Marković
Aug 21, 2019

Hi Puntorosso, the issue might be connected that video is not yet converted, it should be working now.
When you have an issue with video please go to file view of that file and check the status of video it should be green when everything is ready for delivery.

When will you have the playback speed feature added? 

BY Wendy 1083 2
Predrag Marković
Predrag Marković
Aug 21, 2019

Hi Wendy! It will be released by the end of September, we are working on it.

On your roadmap you´ve had audio (&document) support planned for Q1 2019. 

Are there any updates on this?

BY micck 924 1
Jul 23, 2019

I have a folder with many files inside. Instead of copy and share individual link, I prefer to share a whole folder. This is a basic feature on cloud file storage.

If at the moment it's not available yet, I really hope this can be implemented very soon. Thanks

BY Endratno Irfantony 1131 2
Peter Callender
Peter Callender
Aug 09, 2022

Yes that would be good is this available yet or any workaround?


I would like to ask, do the have a plan to get a Medium integration?

For instance now Wistia and Hippo video have it already.

Thank you!



BY Ismo Talka 953 1
May 29, 2019


technically we support this. When pasting your image or video preview url to Medium just change extension of url to .html (ex: - this will create embed snippet on Medium post.

We are awaiting Embedly to list Publitio as a embed provider - as soon as that is done - embeds on Medium from Publitio will work with full player support.

I would like to download all my files, how do i do that?

BY Moshe Lugasi 1144 1
May 29, 2019

right now best way to do that is via API & SDK of your choice. We will add option within Dashboard for mulitple file download, and Backup option within settings (where you can sync you files to S3 and alike)

Hey there folks :) I have uploaded a video, but I cannot figure out how I add my own video to a player? also I can't find the div tag snippet which I can place on my site. could you please let me know how to do this?

thanks in advance


BY Linda 942 1
May 29, 2019

Hi Linda,

for each file you have option to get Ebmed/Player codes under the [...] in Dashboard

please see the screenshot

this is how you can get player with your own video