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I got the CloudFront CDN set up and working but I can't save the settings on the publitio site, getting the following error: Error 422: Verification failed. Please create CNAME Record for '' pointing to '' Could you please let me know how I can fix this. Thank you in advance. 

BY Krisztian 1211 1
Nemanja Divjak
Nemanja Divjak
Sep 24, 2019

I have just checked it's working
We manually enabled it also in your account no need to do anything else.

I would like to have 2 domains protected but I don't seem to be able to do so. I have added both in the settings but the second one isn't working. The video says it can't be used on this domain.

Please advise.

BY Rebecca Michi 1013 2
Rebecca Michi
Rebecca Michi
Sep 25, 2019

Only the first domain is working. I have added another domain on another row and it's not seeing it. Please advise as I have a course for sale that now has no videos.

5 years ago Blog

Hi, kindly is it possible to do a video blog / page using Publitio, I want to be able to upload all video to Publitio and share them on wordpress page as Video grid.

Is it possible to achieve that?

BY Mohamed Hassouneh 941 2
Mohamed Hassouneh
Mohamed Hassouneh
Sep 24, 2019

That's great thank you a lot :)

There is a setting under the media file but it seems to do nothing.

BY Simon 1053 1
Fahad Masood Reda
Fahad Masood Reda
Dec 17, 2019

I am facing the same issue here

I cannot seem to set up the CNAME.

When I attempt to set a subdomain with either media.domain or cdn.domain, I get and error that says those ID have already been used.

When I attempt to set subdomain with anything else, I get the following error:

"Verification failed. Please create CNAME Record for '' pointing to ''"

My DNS host will not allow me to add the trailing dot on '' so I don't know if that is the problem or not.

BY Michael Wailes 1271 2
Nemanja Divjak
Nemanja Divjak
Sep 21, 2019

As I can see your CNAME is set up and its working only SSL is not working yet but we will issue SSL during the day

Please review screen capture video below and let me know why are we getting this error

BY Stores24x7 970 1
Nemanja Divjak
Nemanja Divjak
Sep 20, 2019

Just don't touch tags for now no need to select them at all, we will make update on this error soon.

Can videos be locked to a ClickFunnels account? I know they can to a domain, but what if I need them in a ClickFunnels product and only available on there?

BY Tevya - Fiddler Online 1274 1
protection clickfunnels
Nemanja Divjak
Nemanja Divjak
Sep 18, 2019

You can add that domain if I am right I can't figure out exact steps you need to take if you can elaborate it little bit more.

I recently embedded 30 + videos on my website using the embed code. Now most of the videos display Private File Invalid Access Token.' How did I fix this asap? How do I prevent this from happening again?

BY Rebecca Michi 1503 3
Sep 19, 2019

It works .. I faced the same issue with Rebecca, I tried Nemanja suggestion. What it did: 1) --> enable domain level protection --> type domain name of my website into the box 2) turn video files from private to public. the video on my website play again. there is no need to update or delete the old access token at my website level.

Hello, I am trying to decide whether to upgrade my plan, but am concerned about API/service outages. On multiple occasions, I have tested API calls with a testing signature generated in my dashboard, using the provided Postman collection, only to receive a 500-level HTTP response code and an HTML page saying "Something went wrong on our part..."

The first time this occurred was with the [GET] files/list endpoint. I tried again the next day and it worked fine. The second time I encountered this was just now, with the [POST] files/create endpoint. These incidents are one week apart, both occurring in the early morning hours in my local time (America/New_York). It almost feels as though there has been some kind of scheduled but unannounced downtime/maintenance window, but I don't know if that would make me feel much better than if this were a random failure. Both are concerning. Hopefully you can enlighten me!

BY Orientier 1086 4
Nemanja Divjak
Nemanja Divjak
Sep 18, 2019

Oh good we were breaking head on our tests as it was always working. Good to know that you figured out the issue.
I will send this info to dev team to read maybe they can make an update if needed.


I have created a player, uploaded a video, so I would like to embed my video on my website by using the player I have created, but I don't find how to do that in the video embed code. I imagine we can specify somewhere the ID of the player created, but I didn't find any instruction in the doc.
Can you give me an example please ? 

BY Cedric 1013 2
Sep 18, 2019

ok, I got it, thank you.
And what is the difference between the embed codes "Source", "Iframe" and "Player" ? which one we have to use in which case ?