Recent questions from F.A.Q

Am I able to store zip files containing goodnotes files, for my clients to purchase?

BY sara 923 3
May 10, 2021

Como publica tu

Email? Facebook? Some secret portal I don't know about?

I posted a question 4 days ago and still have no answer. What am I missing out on?

BY Rebecca Michi 973 1
Nemanja Divjak
Nemanja Divjak
Sep 27, 2019

Website chat we respond almost instantly if you hit us during the day
You have chat icon on the left side of the Publitio dahsboard that is direct contact to us and we respond in few minutes if you find us during the day if not then we respond as soon as we are online. Also sending message via Facebook page goes directly to us also so we respond on them to. We had over 1000 chat support discussions in last 3 weeks :)

I made this mp4 in Publitio but it wont play on iPhone.  I sent link in an email but if I click the link in iPhone it won't play.  It only plays if I click on Desktop.  

Am I doing something wrong?

BY Luis 1125 3
Green Cha Studios
Green Cha Studios
May 04, 2022

I am also experiencing this issue with my content. How was this resolved?

5 years ago Search Bar


I'm not sure but I thought I saw a section about trimming a video. You can do that in I don't see a search bar anywhere, where I can look this stuff up. Sorry to bother you but do you think you could eventually add a search bar to the FAQ and to the blog.


BY MD 953 3
Dec 22, 2019

there is a search now at dashboard area

5 years ago No index a video


I was wondering when I embed a video to my blog what code can I add to it so that Google doesn't index my video?


BY MD 933 1
Nov 30, 2020

Hi @MD we are working on some sort of a feature for indexation ban on any media file type. In the meantime, you can always set domain-level protection and Google will not be able to crawl and index that particular file. So, if you set CNAME for media files, you can set crawling, indexing of media files through your robots.txt directive. Learn more about CNAME setup here

Whenever I try to upload a video, I keep getting the error: Error uploading file: "filename.mp4". Please include file or file_url in your request. These videos are standard mp4 videos, made the same way all of the other videos that I have uploaded were. Is there something that I am doing wrong?

BY Kaila 1438 9
Edney Silva
Edney Silva
Oct 21, 2021

This bug is not fixed... this error continue... please verify urgent. Thanks

"success":false,"code":400,"error":"message":"Please include file or file_url in your request"

How do i set a Publitio image as a wordpress featured image?

BY Robin 1034 1
Ralf Nonnemann
Ralf Nonnemann
Sep 28, 2020

Is it available now?


I was wondering if there is an option to make the downloadable link expire after 3 downloads?


BY MD 1042 4
Aug 12, 2020

Where can we set the option for download to expire after some time? Are we able to set the time limit of the download link? I can't seem to find it in my account settings.

Hi how does does this take?

BY Bhupinder 951 1
Nemanja Divjak
Nemanja Divjak
Sep 24, 2019

On most cases same time as videos length.

This conversion stats when you open file 1st time in the browser.
You can always send us a link if you are waiting 2 long.

Is there an SDK or way of using the API to allow users/audience to upload video content (via a web page form) to Publitio which associates their personal details (via the form) with the video file?

BY greg 983 1
Nemanja Divjak
Nemanja Divjak
Sep 24, 2019

You have option to use SDK's here is more info where you can read.
Now for storing users data that should happen on your side and inside of your database, but you can use publitio in some capacity,
by generating folder for each new user with his username.
So creating folder : yourwbsitename/myuser1/myuser1profile.png
Reach us via chat support button on the left side if you need help.