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4 years ago rezize video

rezize video

BY Carlos 1279 1
Dec 01, 2020


How to resize an image or video you can find on this link

I have just offloaded more than 700 files (images, video, audio, and pdf) to my Publitio account. The files were uploaded to the root folder and then I created several folders in Publitio’s Media Library to enable me to manage my assets better. All those images on my site, which have been moved to folders, are now replaced by a black background, on which is displayed "the file ‘…….jpg’ does’nt exist." How can I resolve this issue without moving back hundreds of files to the root folder, thus making my media files cumbersome to manage?

BY Bally Duffus 1235 1
Nemanja Divjak
Nemanja Divjak
Feb 29, 2020

Hi, what you did basically you moved files and they are not any more on their path where they were so it's like you deleted them.
Same thing would have happened if you tried to organize WordPress files after they were uploaded via FTP.
What you need to do is go to Publitio Offloading plugin and click Sync button in order to Resync files.
If you move files you will have to resync every time.

Getting JSONError while using Python lib to create image from URL.!/quality/90/?

BY dan c 1141 3
Feb 28, 2020

That is double url, one with cdn, other with url on aws

pass simple url as file_url param to do remote upload (we do support urls with query params from aws, but what you have pasted is a mess of a url - not wonder it does not work)

4 years ago Video

Hi, how do you bulk change privacy settings?

My videos are showing private file invalid token even though I allowed my domain in settings

BY Jeremy Paul Dean 1062 1
Mar 17, 2020

You can do that on page
Select all videos you want to edit and Icons for mass edit/moveToFolder/Delete will show up
Go for mass Edit Files options, and change privacy there

Why is the chat support never available and email requests are not answered?

I´ve been waiting for a long, long time (months) already for one of these request and it gets annoying just not being able to get any response whatsoever even after weeks (or months). Really disappointing. I suggest if you want to play on a professional level and want to make money with publitio you better improve on your support.

BY micck 1114 6
Mar 18, 2020

That looks so much better! Thanks for listening and implementing! Keep on rocking!


BY Mike 1086 1
Mar 17, 2020

We support just pixels at the moment

4 years ago DRM for publitio

When will you be introducing DRM for protection of digital assets or your platform?

BY Pixelume Managed Digital Services 1176 2
Sep 20, 2020

That would really be useful feature and incentive to buy. I want to be able to disable screen capturing on my website and this can only be done through DRM protections such as Netflix uses.

I've successfully uploaded 4 videos, but my fifth one just won't upload successfully. It starts out fine, but when it reaches the 100%, the video just disappears. I've tried re-uploading several times, closing the computer and restarting, but still it won't upload this video. I don't understand why. I still have lots of space left, and the video is smaller than my other successfully uploaded videos, so it cannot be a problem with the file size either. I'm not sure what else to do now. Please help. There must be a glitch. 

BY Anna Kjaer 1067 1
Feb 03, 2020

I’m experiencing the same problem. Won’t allow me to upload a single video. I’ve tried so many times even using a different computer but no luck. It must be a glitch. Pls look into this and resolve asap

Is there a way to lock down a video to prevent people from not viewing without paying?

we sell videos and do not want them shared

BY Al 1071 1
Dec 02, 2020

Hi @Al You can turn on domain level protection for any file uploaded to and protect your videos from being viewed on any other domain but the ones you listed. I can suggest you some sort of a paywall that will protect your materials in general and maybe show only a short preview or thumbnail (you can generate both with
Hope that helps


Just asking if you consider integrating Publitio with any cloud provider (?).
eg. have a "Publitio" folder in a particular cloud/desktop and Publitio to grab files from there.

OR (if easier)
Own Publitio desktop sync?

I'll try learn using the api, but cloud integration/sync would be great simplification really :).

Just asking,


BY George E 1098 1
cloud integration dropbox pcloud onedrive sync
George E
George E
Jan 23, 2020

Ok, I see on roadmap - Q1 2020
pCloud would be a great option as well :)