Recent questions from F.A.Q

Really enjoying your whole setup and API, but ran into a strange issue... when grabbing my list of images via API, the `url_thumbnail` is always in landscape format (300x200) – shouldn't this be based on the orientation? ie. landscape » 300x200, portrait » 200x300, square: 300x300? (or even better if those general sizes were specific to the aspect ratio of the image). Slowly learning about creating/uploading images, where of course I can customize an available version... just thought it could be helpful to implement as default.

BY ffd8 1521 3
api image thumbnail version orientation aspect ratio
Anson Wong
Anson Wong
Jun 09, 2021

Does the creation of default thumb size, 300x200px consume storage and bandwidth?
If yes, is it possible to disable it? thank you.

So in publitio the video runs fine but in learn dash/WordPress it says

processing try again later... also what are all the different versions for? Can I delete some of them?

BY cheri toftdahl 1152 1
Jun 22, 2020

please read

on first visit (video play) we create versions (360p, 480p, 720p, 1080p video formats)

best not to delete them, as you will see that Processing Video message again, when that video format is requested again

4 years ago Photo caption

Hi! How to add a caption for a photo when adding a file with Publitio plugin (not offloading)?

BY Kai 1077 3
Jun 22, 2020

I can not find any option for that. There is only one option to put CSS for Publitio block as in this screenshot:

I wanted to start an online course. Can we protect the video from being downloaded?

BY edy wihardja 1159 1

When I use an iframe without selecting a player, then the video plays no problem. It has been uploaded for a month or two now.

When I select a player, then I get the error:
Processing Video... Please wait and try again later

BY Brian Diez 2448 2
video player error Processing Please wait and try again later
4 years ago folder names

Hello, I see that when I try to create a folder called vids, that an error message says it already exists, so are folder names and players NOT unique to my account?, unless I choose private files,

BY Ian White 1082 3

Does Publitio plan to update the wordpress plugin anytime soon? The current version is not compatible with the newest version.

BY Rick Reese 1127 2
Mark Hughes
Mark Hughes
Jun 17, 2020

I've been using it just fine. What appears to be the problem?

I am really amazed by the lack of concern regarding this issue that I have experienced from the beginning.
This is not my site - this is a course I signed up for, and seeing this I knew exactly the wonderful service that has failed to address this in months.

So, my question is this - Will this ever be addressed? or should I set aside my expectations I had for this service and just move on?

And please don't tell me this is bad user setup

BY Alauddin 1329 2
Apr 29, 2020

The video did play on refresh of the page, so sounds like the issue is the 'streaming could take couple of seconds'.

It was definitely not a 'conversion' in progress as the course is months old (again, not my video or course)

Here are a couple of suggestions and or feedback, as I do want you guys to succeed.
I think you have most of what is needed, but the bad end user experience makes it all for nothing.

>>>>> super important <<<<<
I don't want to look bad in front of my visitors with a crazy error message like that and why I hesitate to put a file from this platform on say my sales page.

Imagine paying $ to drive traffic and having this as the first user experience.
No way, any business owner will want to use such service.

1) Maybe you need a 1-2 sec pre-loader to make it a better end user experience?
Remember, if you make the business owner look bad then you are not going to get monthly paying customers.
So, whatever resource you have I would apply to this aspect first.
Not sure what the technical challenges are but I think a preloader will stop or reduce these first visit or load errors.

2) From account admin side, my biggest issue is the URL selection option in the admin area.

I am going to copy that link that you give me here and embed - ONE link, done.
It makes no sense for me to have 5 links - maybe for exceptional use case where I have 5 different pages needing different quality.

The way I look at it, you are providing so much flexibility with option to encode h_480 or h_720 etc that every time I log in to the platform say in 2-3 weeks time I have to re-learn the platform and spend time again in your help section....a complete waste of my time.

Give me one LINK - figure out the best format that make makes sense. That's what all the other platform do.
Really, go check out you know whooo.

I hope you find this feedback helpful!


I have created a new version in Publitio for an image. In general, what is the practice to use the new version in WP?
How do i let WP knows that i want to use the new version with resize image?


BY Yuchuan 1275 1
wordpress resize version
Dec 02, 2020

Hi @Yuchuan you can simply use the URL of the new version and use it directly in WP posts or pages.

4 years ago Unauthorized


my embedded videos on wordpress are showing "Unauthorized" and are I cannot play them.

why is that??

BY Tarek Moussally 1038 1
Nemanja Divjak
Nemanja Divjak
Apr 14, 2020

Hi I wrote in depth explanation but for some reason I don't see answer, answer is that your files are private and such they have access token needed to open them. That token expires after 24h and you can't access file.
That is security measure to protect videos from being streamed and shared around.
Fastest solution is to switch file to Public and enable domain level protection.
This way files will be visible only via your domain and they can be public as even if anyone has a link can't open it.