Recent questions from F.A.Q

4 years ago Player Controls


I was trying to make my player have limited controls and I am not sure if this is possible.

I want to have a play/pause ability and a full screen ability without any other controls. Is there a way to do this without the seek or quality controls?


BY Matt 1224 1
Nov 30, 2020

I want all the images and videos that i upload to my publitio account to be automatically sync to my S3 bucket with AWS. how can i do that

BY ghouse 1242 2
Nemanja Divjak
Nemanja Divjak
Sep 03, 2020


we still don't have that kind of integration, only way would be if you use our API and build up some script on your end to do that.

I would like to include audio assets on my website, and only there. Can you explain how Domain Level Protection works and how it is being used?
I could not find any information about Domain Level Protection or tokens in the developer docs.

BY Tim P. 1234 2
javascript domain-level-protection token
Nemanja Divjak
Nemanja Divjak
Sep 03, 2020

Hi Tim,

you can check our post with HLS and Domain level protection you can see in that video use case on how to do it.

Right now, I am saving image URL (preview_url) for database and want to remove image from using url.

But I can see only delete API by File ID. Is there any way ?


BY jack 1081 0

Does api allow offline mode, where users can download videos for offline use but video files cannot be shared ?

BY Emmanuel Adjei-Kusi 1143 1
Aug 07, 2020

api can return mp4 link, but your app needs to save it locally if you want it for offline use

Please help!

BY Cassandra Gooding 1074 2
Francis s Massaquoi
Francis s Massaquoi
Aug 21, 2020

How do I play video

4 years ago Are there stats?

any stats available on watched videos?

BY nick baskett 1118 1
Jul 06, 2020

No, video stats not yet available.. only general usage stats (like storage and bandwidth consumptions) here

and on each file view page you can see Hits (number of plays/streams)

On the android SDK, I understand calling an instance of the Publitio class (Publitio publitio = new Publitio(this) ) gives you the option of querying folders or files details when supplied with a Map of strings ( 'publitio.folders().foldersList(map, new PublitioCallback<JsonObject>() ... ' ), but my videos are segmented into a list of subject folders, and in each subject folder another set of folders based off topics. I would like to know how I can query through these folders in my media library. Please note that I know how to get a list of all the folders/all files as JSON objects. My question is more of how I can get access to video files in a specific folder amidst the others.

BY Eric Ogie 1543 2
sdk android files Query Java JSON Objects
Eric Ogie
Eric Ogie
Jun 26, 2020

Simply saying "you need and pass tags + folder query param" does not make things clear. perhaps an example of how this can be used might help. Please be more explicit. An example stating

HOW TO ADD (+) folder query params.

If I am using this URL( as stated by you) to call a list of my file's details, do I have to pass a key or credentials in the url as well?

Hi, I just signed up. I am trying to integrate Publitio as a media asset manager (MAM) system for an app I am currently working on. I intended to display a list of all of the videos hosted on my Publitio account with titles as well as each video duration. I would like to know how I can query my media library for my hosted video information. please help or point to a document detailing how I can do this.

BY Eric Ogie 1189 1
Jun 22, 2020

For library query (search) use LIST FILES CALL : and tags query param

FYI – perhaps during development, a hidden/unaccessable folder called 'testing01' was created that doesn't show up when listing/tree of folders, however causes a bug if trying to create a folder with that name.

Trying to create such a folder returns the following error:
"The folder with name 'testing01' in this path already exists. Choose another name."

BY ffd8 1799 2
api folder testing01 bug
Jun 26, 2020

Thanks for the link to this article. Aha, that was one suspicion as I tried making another root level folder and kept failing. Would be interesting to know why it's implemented this way.. but I'm guessing for simplicity on your end where storing all files. Seems like prefixing the account id to each root folder could avoid the issue... Will use more characters when making folder names.