Recent questions from F.A.Q

Does Publitio have an affiliate program?

BY Teresa Sanderson 1225 2
Nov 03, 2020

You can now join to affiliate program with one click here

I'm struggling to get some sample video content embedded into Wordpress.

The only option that seems to work (despite using the Wordpress plugin version of Publito) is:


When I try using the player option, I get just the player bar and nothing else.


What I essentially want to do is embed a video, hide all controls whilst looping and autoplaying the video.

Can anyone highlight the best approach for doing this on a Wordpress page?

BY Michael 1455 3
Charles Rodmell
Charles Rodmell
Nov 16, 2020

Use the "Custom HTML" block. Works fine with the iFrame embed code.

I am attempting to add a video into my Elementor WP Site, and the video will not show up. I've looked and looked but cannot find a solution as to why.
I have it on mute.
I do not have the thumbnail on.
I cannot figure out what else to do to get it to work. Please help!

BY Nicolette 1791 2
url elementor word press source not working
Dec 10, 2020

There is this shortcode widget (I have elementor pro and don't know if it is available in the free elementor...), but when I copy the iframe of the video into it, it appears with the player from publitio and everything works fine for me. The direct paste as URL in the video widget has not worked at all. It said that the format can not be recognized.
I hope this helps and best regards!

hile testing out publitio on wordpress, my badnwidth kept going up. Does this bandwidth reset at the end of every month? I don't mean the daily bandwidth

BY Daniel Odediran 1241 2
Sep 18, 2020

As of offloading plugin issue you encountered, it is really specific because you restored old backup and who knows what really happened with all the files, etc. Really, it is probably up to Folder you selected to which to sync your media library. You can easily delete Folder with WP files on Publitio, create & select new folder within offloading plugin settings and click on Sync Now button - so this will create new files collection

Does has extension for Mit App Inventor? It will be easier for developer like me to integrate in our apps.

BY Bishwash Neupane 1205 1
Nemanja Divjak
Nemanja Divjak
Dec 07, 2020


we never thought about extension for MIT App inventor,
from what I see it is focused on google cloud, and since we have no idea what is needed, for this to work.
We don't have developer available at this moment to build such integration but we can try to find maybe via upwork, or
if you have skill to develop it we can talk.

Hi Publitio,

I'm a little confused about transcoding video. I've read Nemanja's post about optimizing video (hvala) and he suggests that I should set the frame rate, data rate and resolution of my MP4s before I upload. But then your servers transcode the file for HLS. So is it better to upload a big file with a high data rate and let your server's transcode/optimize the video? Or should I set the MP4 as low as I think is acceptable for viewers before I upload (but then I take the chance that your transcoded files might be bigger than the original)?

Thank you

BY Doug Rose 1318 1
Oct 16, 2020

You can upload a big file with a high data rate and let publitio server's transcode/optimize the video

For HLS just make sure your videos are 1080 pixels in height at minimum, this will make sure our system is able to create even 1080p version of your video

we use :
- 800K bitrate for 360p video version,
- 1200K bitrate for 480p video version,
- 2800K bitrate for 720p video version,
- 5000K bitrate for 1080p video version

hope this answers your question

when I make a private video its give error Invalid access token on player.

BY Vishal vasani 1405 1
Nov 30, 2020

If files are private, they require an access token for access (which expires after 24h).
You can use a plugin or SDK to retrieve fresh URLs (with new access tokens).

Is there a way to set the thumbnail of the video to the first frame of the video rather than the default setting of later on please?

BY Tom MacKay 1134 1
Sep 08, 2020

yes, there is a way to set custom thumbnail for a video, please see

4 years ago What's

I need to know more about

BY Ziyelesa 1288 1
Nov 30, 2020

Publitio attempts to take the pain out of the whole Media Asset Management (MAM) process by easing common tasks used by the majority of web & mobile apps, such as media files uploading, storage, processing, and delivery, thus saving development time, reducing costs and making a life of developers easier.

4 years ago Playback speeds

I asked this question last year and you said that playback speed was on the roadmap. Please can you give me an update when this feature will be available?

BY Wendy 1182 3
Sep 03, 2020

Thanks very much, this is great.