Recent questions from F.A.Q

Do I have to have one licenses per websites/domain?

BY Wendy 879 21
Oct 02, 2024

Thank you very much; this is a significant improvement. I'm glad to participate in Publitio affiliate program!


I just tested the wordpress plugin and I found that return "the media could not be loaded, either beacause the erver or network failed or because the format is not supported".

May I know what's wrong with it?

Thank you.


BY Rudi 1031 7
Meeloun Education
Meeloun Education
Jun 06, 2024

直接引用是指将原文内容完整地引入作业代写 中。直接引用时必须一字不差地复制原文内容,确保不改变原作者的表述。任何改动都必须用方括号标明。根据不同的引用格式,直接引用的标注方式有所不同。例如,APA格式中,少于40字的引用应放在双引号内;超过40字的引用应另起一行,并缩进五个空格。

6 years ago Bulk Upload

Hi, is there no bulk upload option for images? 

BY Christina Holthuis 925 2
Nov 20, 2020

Hallow.i'm shoyeb.l waunt to jovs.plase add me


I've uploaded a few video files and transformed them to my desired size using your awesome URL based transformation. Now, if I want to keep this smaller sized files and delete the original ones, How ca I do that?

BY LOL Team 828 1
Sep 25, 2018

Kamelia, if you delete original video, transformed videos will be deleted also.

We will see if it is possible to create this setup in future.


I've been trying to create an ad tag for ages now, and every combination of words just don't work. Where is the guide and or criteria for naming an ad and its tag?

BY Oliver Martin 922 2
Jan 11, 2021

we created a media site, but we need people to be able to watch TV programs on the site, so we are looking for a player for m3u8 url. please help to find this player for the site

How do I edit the size of an image

BY Sal Carrero 892 3
Meeloun Education
Meeloun Education
Jun 06, 2024

间接引用是指在留学生论文代写 中不改变原意的情况下,用自己的语言重新表述原文内容。在进行间接引用前,必须深入理解原文内容,确保在改写时能够准确传达原作者的观点。间接引用时应尽量使用不同于原文的表达方式,可以改变句子结构、替换同义词等,以避免与原文过于相似。

6 years ago Video Type

What types of videos format can I upload ?

BY Steve Fillmore 841 1
Sep 25, 2018

Right now you can upload following video types:

Videos mp4, m4v, webm, ogv, avi, mov, flv, 3gp, 3g2, wmv, mpeg and mkv


How can I make a video play only on a certain domain?

I have a membership site that users have to log in to be able to access videos. I would like these videos to be able to be played only if a user is logged in. If the user copies the URL and shares them then those videos should not play.

Also, in the same light, the videos should not be downloadable. 

Thanks in advance for your help.

Armand Girard

BY Armand Girard 1098 4
Meeloun Education
Meeloun Education
Jun 06, 2024

在引用和改写过程中,虽然引用和改写可以丰富dissertation代写 内容,但过度依赖引用会削弱dissertation的原创性。因此,学生应在引用和改写的基础上,加入自己的分析和见解。在引用和改写时,必须严格遵守学术规范,确保每一个引用都有明确的出处,避免任何形式的抄袭。

I need a paid plan, what should I do?

BY Publitio 2133 3
upgrade publitio subscription
Katrin Gregon
Katrin Gregon
Jul 26, 2024

Writing a literature review has always been a challenge. It’s good that there are specialists who are always ready to help. With them, learning is easy and simple.

Do you have documentation?

BY Nemanja Divjak 871 1
documentation manual tutorial help education
Nov 30, 2020

Documentation can be found here > we also have a link saying "API Documentation" inside our nav menu and footer :)