Recent questions from F.A.Q

I see a "" but I don't know, How to add my publitio vdo to my ad tags ?


BY Kornchai 875 1
Luigi Nica
Luigi Nica
Feb 09, 2019

How we can add our own ads?

Please confirm it would be possible for me to programmatically upload images from my web server to yours using your API with PHP?

If this is possible, if I were to upload an image from - does the API then send back the reference URL to be able to download that image from your server? (So I could download it via URL) ?

Two big questions:

2) What is the upload limit for 1 file?

3) Can I upload a zip file?


BY David Stoltz 1116 3
Meeloun Education
Meeloun Education
Jun 06, 2024

现代大学生常常面临繁重的学业任务、兼职工作以及社交活动的压力。时间管理成为一项巨大的挑战。每门课程都有其特定的作业和论文要求,有时这些任务会在同一时间段内集中爆发,使得学生无法合理分配时间完成所有任务。此时,Assignment代写 服务可以帮助学生减轻压力,将一些繁重的写作任务交给专业写手处理,让学生能够有更多的时间专注于其他重要的学术任务或生活事务。

6 years ago Audio Features


You said you will also add audio functionality in the future. 

Does this include the ability to

1. Upload Audio files?
2. Embed audio in wordpress
3. Create Audio-Playlists that can be embedded in wordpress?
4. Skip Forward & Back with arrow keys in the player?

Thank You!

BY micck 1016 2
Meeloun Education
Meeloun Education
Jun 06, 2024

对于非英语母语的国际学生来说,撰写高质量的英文论文是一项艰巨的任务。即使他们对所学科目有深刻的理解,但由于语言表达能力的限制,可能无法将自己的想法清晰、准确地表达出来。这不仅影响了他们的学术表现,还可能导致自信心的下降。北美论文代写 服务可以提供专业的写作支持,确保论文的语言表达流畅、准确,帮助国际学生克服语言障碍,获得更好的学术成绩。

6 years ago Video Features


I would like to be able to 

1. Add the Title to Video, so it can be seen before the video is played.

2. have a Video-Playlist to display several videos in the same player

3. Skip Forward & Back with arrow keys in the video player

4. have the viewer adjust the video playback speed in Player controls. (Speeds needed most: 0.5, and 0.75, not so often 1.5 & 2)

Are you planning on adding these features?


BY micck 885 2
Meeloun Education
Meeloun Education
Jun 06, 2024

在选择网课代修 机构时,了解其提供的服务内容和范围也是非常重要的。不同的机构可能提供不同的服务,学生需要根据自己的需求选择合适的机构。确认机构是否能够代修你所需要的课程,包括具体的学科和课程类型。了解机构是否提供全面的服务,包括课程作业、考试、讨论板发言、论文写作等。有些机构可能只提供部分服务,学生需要确保所选机构能够满足自己的所有需求。


atm you have to click several times on load more to come to the recent questions. Please reverse the sorting so the newest questions are up on top.


BY micck 913 4
prajjwal sharma
prajjwal sharma
Mar 19, 2024

thanks for very useful content. i have website to grab all digital assets

6 years ago Feature request

Hi Team

I’m AppSumo member and bought your deal (Stacked 3X).

First of all, many thanks for this deal and for taking your time to introduce and explain everything about your product. I can see great potential of the services you provide and the product you building. It’s big honour to be on board with great deal.

I have some suggestions to make your product better in point of my personal use-cases how I would like to use your product. I hope those ideas make sense and you consider to apply those near future.

My First Idea is connected to the ability to use Custom CNAME domain in public links. It would be very important to me if there would be ability to change 3 pages that is connected with Custom CNAME domain links:

1. -> example:
2. -> example:
3. -> example:

* Explanation for this request *

I do lot of work with clients videos and graphics. I often send them videos and graphics to review. At the moment I do it via Google Drive, Dropbox, Vimeo, Youtube etc. Your service and Custom CNAME domain gives me good opportunity to send them professional looking link with my domain branding (

I know my clients profile and if I send them link ( then I’m sure they try to see what is behind this link and will change it on browser address-bar (‘' and ‘’). Thats why I stopped to use pCloud Public Folder System and link sending because they did that and saw other clients sample work, so it’s tested with real clients.

Same thing will happen when I delete file that was sent to client just overview but client goes to that link sometimes later either via email I sent them with link or they just bookmarked this link for some reason and want to check it later (->

At the moment there is English language text(s) and logo with link to your page. I understand the value for your marketing but for my clients and for me it’s not professional and all my domain branding idea is actually ruined. 95% of my clients also not english speaking and english text there is again not very professional looking solution for my use-case.

For me it’s essential that I can replace those 3 pages content myself and add there my messages (in my language) and my branding (logo) with links and all that. It doesn’t have to be complicated editing system but enough usable to replace message and logos. Simple text editor and code editor </> would do the trick.

Otherwise this usability option of your services is NO GO for me, because if I can’t totally control my branding with domain branding, there is no point to change my clients work preview system from G-Drive, Dropbox etc to your service. I can’t present this as my own servers preview system anyway.
I even would consider to start using your service as client work delivery system where they can download different filetypes by just changing url (.mp4/.webm/etc) but …

I hope you understand my point of view and take it to consideration.

Your decision to make is either you want to try marketing your brand in those pages (potential that lot of clients will not use this links system as I described for similar reasons I explained) or to give total control to your clients about their branding possibilities and use it as a good Unique Selling Point to market this feature to your existing and future clients.

Once again, thank you for your time and for good product and for AppSumo Deal

With all best


BY 1074 3
Katrin Gregon
Katrin Gregon
Sep 26, 2024

In college, essay writing is often difficult. Therefore, I began to take the help of specialists They help me with writing any topic, making the work highly unique.


Do you have documentation how to set the CNAME?


BY Rudi 907 3
Meeloun Education
Meeloun Education
Jun 06, 2024

Book Review代写 服务在解决学生面临的时间管理、语言障碍、学术压力、学术误解和紧急情况等方面的困扰上具有显著作用。尽管这一服务存在争议,但不可否认的是,它在某些情况下确实可以为学生提供有效的帮助,减轻他们的压力。作为学生,应该理性看待Book Review代写服务,合理利用这一资源,同时努力提升自己的学术能力,以在未来的学习和工作中更好地应对挑战。


I tried in wordpress and I got this error:

The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network ailed or because the format is not supported

API connected correctly & Video can be viewed in publitio dashboard. How to solve this?


BY Rudi 878 5
Popovic Nevena
Popovic Nevena
Feb 26, 2021

Hi JP,

Here you can check out our roadmap and features we are working on
Also, you can reach out to our support and suggest a feature you'd like to see implemented in the future.


I want to change the watermark of a video to a different one, but I cannot replace it anywhere in the edit video section. Is that not possible?

Thank You!

BY micck 1326 16
Popovic Nevena
Popovic Nevena
Feb 26, 2021

Hi Vuqar,

Publitio offers a free video player, you can learn more about it here:

6 years ago Video tutorials

Hi, do you have video tutorials of uploading, edit settings of videos?

BY mark Bradley 834 2
Meeloun Education
Meeloun Education
Jun 06, 2024

引用是指在英文作文修改 中直接使用他人的文字、观点或数据,并在文中标明其来源。正确引用有助于支持作者的论点、展示研究的广度和深度,同时避免抄袭行为。无论是直接引用还是间接引用,都必须明确标注出处。通常采用APA、MLA、Chicago等学术格式,以确保引用的规范性和准确性。引用时必须保持原作者的原意,不得断章取义或曲解原文内容。这样既尊重了原作者的劳动成果,也确保了学术诚实。