Recent questions from F.A.Q

Hi. I dont quite understand what the best way for embedding a video that is hosted on publitio would be. Do I just copy the url directly from the media library? Would that be the best way to have the best loading time?

I did that using the Elementor video widget and the loading time is quite slow (especially on mobile).

BY Karsten 1717 1
wordpress elementor embedding
Nemanja Divjak
Nemanja Divjak
Jan 08, 2020

Hi Karsten,

you can use Ifram it's same as the one you would get from Youtube but if Elementor you are using does not allow custom code you can direct link to file on Publitio.
Also you could use Publitio offloading plugin for videos and have them uploaded inside of wordpress and then linked automatically.
Check the video


We've set the DNS settings for our custom domain ( to point to

However, we are encountering an error which says "Enter Valid Name (ID) and URL for CNAME".

Please confirm if the ".digital" domain name can be added in Publitio.

Thanks and looking forward to your reply.

BY Encompass Operations 1020 1
Jan 08, 2020

ID of cname needs to be unique on all account level - choose something like digitalEncomass or digital123

4 years ago Wordpress issue

When wanting to add a publitio hosted media within a gutenberg block, I systematically get the following message :

The page has expired due to inactivity.

Please refresh and try again.

I am however connected to your site and I have the correct API key and secret configured in the Wordpress plugin interface.

Any suggestions on how to correct?

With many thanks,


BY John Higham 1043 2
Jan 10, 2020

problem seams to be caused by Safari browser not allowing session/cookies to be set via iframe (which our plugin use).
Looks like we have found a workaround, plugin will ask you to go to and to login there directly if on Safari browser. After that just refresh/reopen publitio media library within wordpress. Let us know if encounter same error again

4 years ago pdf

How do i add a pdf to my blog

BY Peter Van den Wittenboer 1098 1
Peter Van den Wittenboer
Peter Van den Wittenboer
Jan 04, 2020

I want to add/embed a small downloadable thumbnail from a offloaded pdf file

Hello there. 

It seems that publitio doesn't work in Russia. Everytime I try to upload any kind of file, error pups up.

But when I turn VPN on it starts working.

My current IP is

Can you check this issue?

I stacked 2 codes of appsumo deal. But if this ussue is not worked out I'll ask for a refund, unfortunatelly.

BY Slava 1387 1
upload error vpn
Michael Quinn
Michael Quinn
Feb 26, 2020

Yes. We need video trainings about how to use every aspect of this service.

How can I automatic transform image from jpg to webp

BY Tan 1147 5
Dec 29, 2019

I have a lot of picture uploaded. Do I have to transform one by one picture or just upload and change the link?

what are the steps to insert image from media in publitio?

BY Urbano 988 1
Nov 30, 2020

Hi @Urbano have you tried our Media Offload plugin? Learn more about it here

Where is the folder I created?

BY Urbano 1131 1
Nemanja Divjak
Nemanja Divjak
Dec 24, 2019

SO folder is in main dashboard or as sub folder of some other there might have been an error telling you that folder was not created, try creating folder with some other name .. as folders are global on root folder so if I have Images you can't have images, create first folder
with the name of your website or nickname and then inside of that one create what ever name you want.

Hello there,

Our business needs dictate that we upload some duplicates but with different ids (in the same folder), when i try to do that your system somehow detects that the file has already been uploaded and does not upload the new one.

This is apparent when i try to push a different file using the same initial URL for example:

- old_url: ... a picture of a cat
- new_url: ... a picture of a dog

The new file gets uploaded but a _B is appended to its public id (the old one still exists), this tells me that you're comparing file signatures on the files upon upload.

Is there any solution to upload duplicates with different ids in the same folder, and is there a way for me to overwrite existing files?


BY Simon 1066 3
api upload id
Dec 24, 2019

I'm changing the public ID with each upload so its not a duplicate ID issue ... basically i'm trying to upload the same file twice, but each time with a different public ID ... but I can't

HI, Is it possible to host a Publitio video on a LearnDash page? I tried but it gives an error. So I think it's not possible or is there a solution>

BY ilse 1226 3
Peter Kursawe
Peter Kursawe
Mar 02, 2020

Hi, I use LearnDash. And I use the Publitio plugin. E.g. in a LearnDash Lesson or Topic I can insert the Publitio block (Gutenberg Editor!). Then clicking into the Publitio block opens the "manage files" view on Publitio. There I navigate to the video I want, click the dots on the far right and choose "Insert Player".
That is all. Works just normally.