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Depending on the package you have subscribed you have minimum of 20GB up to 1TB for enterprise package it's unlimited.

To make sure you get exact answer please visits Plans page and check which package you are subscribed to..

Also another way is to log in in to dashboard and check usage and how much storage and bandwidth you have.

For example bellow account has 50GB of storage and 200GB of bandwidth.

BY Nemanja Divjak 2157 9
account storage bandwidth have capacity dashboard limit calls number
Meeloun Education
Meeloun Education
Jul 12, 2024

技术支持和创新是留学生论文代写 机构提升服务质量和效率的重要途径。在信息化和数字化的时代背景下,代写机构应充分利用先进的技术手段,提升服务的智能化和便捷性。例如,机构可以开发在线写作平台和智能客服系统,实现客户自助下单、进度查询和实时沟通,提升服务效率和客户体验。此外,代写机构还可以应用大数据和人工智能技术,进行数据分析和写作辅助,提高写作质量和效率。例如,通过大数据分析客户需求和市场趋势,机构可以及时调整服务策略和产品结构,提升市场竞争力。通过技术支持和创新,代写机构能够不断优化服务流程和质量,满足客户的多样化和个性化需求。

You can find your API key and API Secret key in your dashboard

BY Nemanja Divjak 996 1
Jul 27, 2020

Great that you are considering to use Publitio API solution!

After you log in to your Publitio account, check out the left navigation menu and under the API, you will see your API key,

Hope that I helped!

This is best question anyone can ask so let's give some examples

- Upload Images and deliver them on your website via our global infrastructure.
This will speed up your website loading and your visitors will be more likely to stay on website

- Optimize Images that you are delivering just by changing format from PNG to WEBP
Publitio will reduce size with almost no loss in quality up to 11x so PNG image of 500kb will be around 45kb WEBP.

- Change quality of Images by changing quality option and by doing so reduce size of images even more.

- Create image website/app that has all images uploaded, stored, optimized, thumbnail generated and delivered to final users.

- Create video website/app that has all videos uploaded to it's servers, converted to right formats and sizes
1080p, 720p, 470p, 320p, 240p and delivered to final users.

- Upload video and use Publitio's player to show video on your landing page or simple website

- Monetize videos or images with Publitio's AD VAST Tag support

You can also read our blog post what you can do with Publitio in order to get more info

BY Nemanja Divjak 950 1
Oct 25, 2018

well done

Publitio offers 5 pricing packages
-Starter which is free and you have 10gb of storage and 20gb of bandwidth for free each month.
This package is intended for you to try it out and make sure everything works.

-Developer is 29$/month and it offers 50gb of storage and 200gb of bandwidth each month.
This package is intended for websites that have small website/app and traffic and revenue is growing.

-Hacker is 79$/month and it offers 100gb of storage and 500gb of bandwidth each month.
This package is intended for websites that have larger website/app that needs more bandwidth and storage.

-Pro is 149$/month and it offers 250gb of storage and 1TB of bandwidth each month.
This package is intended for websites that have more than 100.000 visits per day.

-Enterprise package is for large clients that want to be charged fixed price based on usage.

Packages might change in time so make sure to check plans page

BY Nemanja Divjak 2172 14
cost price pricing money dollars developer hacker pro enterprise
Meeloun Education
Meeloun Education
Jul 12, 2024

服务质量是衡量作业代写 机构的重要指标之一。不同机构在写作质量、交稿准时性和原创性方面存在显著差异。高质量的代写机构通常拥有一支专业化的写作团队,团队成员具备丰富的学术背景和写作经验,能够确保Essay的学术水平和逻辑严密性。这些机构通常有严格的质量控制流程,包括多次审核和编辑,确保文章无拼写和语法错误,逻辑清晰,论点有力。此外,优秀的代写机构还会提供原创性保证,使用高级检测工具检查文章的抄袭率,确保每一篇Essay都是独一无二的。然而,一些低质量的代写机构为了追求利润,可能会雇佣非专业写手,导致文章质量低劣,甚至存在大量抄袭行为。因此,学生在选择代写机构时,应注重考察其写作团队的资质和质量控制流程,确保服务质量。

It means that we provide API (Application programming interface) calls that can be used to access Publitio's infrastructure in order to upload, store, transform, list, show, download and deliver images or video type of content to final users.
-Plain English : We offer cloud hosting on which you can upload images and videos, convert them to desired format and when visitor comes to your website or mobile app, that content will be shown to user from through our service. You don't need to have your own hosting/servers for Images and Videos we handle that and all of this is done through programing scripts.

BY Nemanja Divjak 2713 6
video api image cloud storage hosting
Meeloun Education
Meeloun Education
Jul 12, 2024

Report代写 要想达到优秀的标准,必须在理解任务要求与明确目标、深入研究与资料收集、结构设计与内容组织、语言表达与引用规范、以及审校与修改完善等方面下足功夫。通过充分的沟通、扎实的研究、科学合理的结构设计、正确规范的引用和全面细致的审校,代写者可以确保作业内容的学术价值和实际意义,满足客户的期望和学术标准,最终获得满意的分数。未来,随着学术要求的不断提升和代写市场的规范化,代写服务还需不断提升自身的专业水平和服务质量,才能在激烈的市场竞争中持续保持领先地位。

Publitio is Platform-as-a-Service providing simple APIs for image & video management in the cloud
-Plain English : Service that offers cloud storage and delivery for your Video or Image content with some functions that can be executed on request, without you needing to have any infrastructure or programing knowledge how to store, convert and deliver image or video content to final users. Publitio takes that pain and multiple steps for you.

BY Nemanja Divjak 1035 6
Joe Peavey
Joe Peavey
Oct 05, 2020

I am testing this method with a test video I uploaded to, When you paste in the link and click Validate, the video plays as expected. However when you give the video a name and click, Save & Continue, an overlay saying, "Processing" appears over the right "workspace" area and never goes away. If you refresh the page, the video is not in the list. I tried this with Private mode on and off and it made no difference. I will note that I am using the Free tier of Spotlightr (the new name of VooPlayer).

Honestly, the only reasons to use Spotlightr at all is the ability to have LearnDash track the playback's progress within a course topic. Also, their extra player customizations are pretty nice as are all of the SaaS app integrations. If had those, I would not need Spotlightr at all.

6 years ago Chicken or Egg?

What camed first, chicken or egg :) ?

BY obi 893 7
Mar 26, 2020
