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If you are embedding video from web go to Dashboard files  select file you want to embed and click Play button on it.

Select Player HTML, copy it and paste it in your website code.

Player will automatically display best and supported format for your visitor so for example if user is visiting from Safari we might display .mov format or if Firefox we will display .ogg or if Chrome .mp4

BY Nemanja Divjak 2932 2
video player embed website tag
Meeloun Education
Meeloun Education
Jul 12, 2024

选择可靠的网课代上 机构是代上时的关键环节。在选择代修机构时,留学生应对机构的背景和资质进行全面的调查和评估。这包括了解机构的注册信息、成立时间、业务范围、以及是否具备合法的经营资格。一个正规、合法的代上机构通常会在其官方网站上公开这些信息,以供客户查询。此外,留学生还可以通过搜索引擎、社交媒体和教育论坛等渠道,了解该机构的信誉和口碑。一个有良好信誉的代上机构通常会有较多的正面评价和推荐,而那些存在负面评价或投诉较多的机构则应谨慎选择。通过对机构资质和信誉的了解,留学生可以初步筛选出一些可信赖的代修机构。

You can create player directly via Dashboard and click create player, if you want to create it programmatically check documentation on docs page

You can change the skin of the player, select Adtag ID if you want to display ADS and you have that set up, and you can chose either to autoplay video or to play on interaction.

BY Nemanja Divjak 2610 14
video player embed website videoplayer adtag skin play
Hooks and hearts
Hooks and hearts
Nov 16, 2023

Any plans on introducing hexcolor option for the skin?

With Publitio API you can easily transcode your files between formats. Supported extensions (output formats) are:

For images please use jpg, jpeg, png, gif, bmp, webp as extension. You can also transcode images to mp4, webm and ogv video formats ;)

For videos use mp4, webm and ogv. You can also transcode videos to jpg, jpeg, png, gif and webp image formats. We also support video to mp3, wav and ogg audio formats :D

To change format just change extension of the file in url > >
or for video >

BY Nemanja Divjak 2829 3
video image format conversion convert transcode file avi
Margaret Shmitt
Margaret Shmitt
Apr 11, 2024

Hey, thank you! Great program. With their help, I felt confident in my application and ultimately secured admission to my dream program. If you're seeking personalized, impactful writing assistance, I highly recommend PaperWriter for your personal statement needs.From capturing my unique experiences to highlighting my academic and professional goals, PaperWriter exceeded my expectations

Can URL based transformations help me resize the images?

BY Nemanja Divjak 2333 1
image images tutorial help resizing size
Nov 30, 2020

For resizing, please use w (width) and h (height) parameters. Both w and h accept integer values. For example, w_250 sets the width to exactly 250 pixels. You can resize the file by using both the width and height parameters or with only one of them: the other dimension is automatically updated to maintain the aspect ratio. For example, to resize an image or video to 800x600 pixels, format option as w_800,h_600
if you want to resize it based on height
If you want to change the width and height exactly that you want to use
If you are using API check documentation with sample on the right side

Now you can do all of this via API but this is a simple version if you need fast resizing.

What can I do with URL based transformations, what does it mean?

BY Nemanja Divjak 869 2
Zachary Zemby
Zachary Zemby
Jun 19, 2023

Uncaught ReferenceError: requestId is not defined

Publitio offers URL-Based form of API through which you can do all the file transformations on the fly & instantly, just over the browser, by changing the parameters in the file url. You can use it to transcode your files between formats, for resizing, coping, trimming, watermarking and/or quality adjustment. In plain english: you can change format of any file by just changing extension from .png to .jpg or WEBP when image is in question or video from mp4 to avi via url.

BY Nemanja Divjak 2469 6
api transformations transform format cropping url
Zethcon Corporation
Zethcon Corporation
Apr 08, 2024

Why is it easy to bypass? Could you elaborate? Has this issue been addressed? Is this a reliable way to keep content safe?

Follow this link and you will find all information regarding Wordpress integration on the right side 

BY Nemanja Divjak 1938 4
sdk wordpress documentation manual tutorial help docs blog optimization
Nayeli Gomez
Nayeli Gomez
Nov 24, 2021

You have embeded an audio file in this blog post. Where can I find a tutorial that explains how I can embed an audio file as well?

Thank you!

Follow this link and you will find all information regarding Javascript integration on the right side 

BY Nemanja Divjak 1147 8
sdk javascript documentation manual tutorial help docs implementation
Jun 24, 2020

Loop Videos + Seek buttons + Playback speed are part of Player Customisation

How to use NODE JS SDK?

BY Nemanja Divjak 1407 1
sdk node nodejs javascript documentation manual tutorial help docs
Nov 30, 2020

Follow this link and you will find all information regarding Javascript integration on the right side

How to use PHP SDK?

BY Nemanja Divjak 1834 1
php sdk documentation manual tutorial help support implementation
Nov 30, 2020

Hello :D
Please, follow this link and you will find all information regarding PHP integration on the right side