Recent questions from F.A.Q

I need something to work similar to Vimeo. Where my students can login with one url/link and watch my list of old and new videos update. Is that possible with your platform?. Also, can I add a monetize button to pay with my Paypal or something like that?  Thank you.

BY Liz Soria 912 6
Mary Luis
Mary Luis
Oct 16, 2024

Many platforms offer the option to create a private page or a custom URL where you can upload or link to your videos. I would recommend checking if your learning management system (LMS) or video hosting service allows you to set up such a page. This will make it much easier for your students to access everything in one spot.

By the way, if you're also looking for help with writing essays or other assignments, services like Essay Writer can be really useful. They offer expert assistance in crafting high-quality academic papers.

5 years ago Buffering issues


I am getting issues with buffering. it does not buffer when it is self hosted on on youtube or facebook so not sure what is causing the problem. 

I would appreciate your feedback please.

Video of issue

live page

BY Lloyd Hester 1112 5
Anna Rose
Anna Rose
Jul 28, 2023

This is a really helpful post. Thank you very much for sharing it for me and everyone to know about on the fly image and video processing

5 years ago WP plugin

Hi there. Followed the instructions for installing the WP plugin. Everything went without a hiccup. Plugin activated, API key and secret configured.

But the Publitio option in editing posts and pages is nowhere to be seen. Gutenberg incompatibility? Also tried accessing it through the media library dire:ctly and adding new. Still no Publition option anywhere.

Anyway, could you do a screenshot of where the Publition icon/option should be located, so I can confirm it is indeed missing, even after installing the plugin?

Screenshots from my WP:

BY Frank Kjerstein 1632 5
wordpress plugin
suleman sheikh
suleman sheikh
Mar 11, 2024

These features are amazing and get be quite helpful too. Slowly getting the hang of it with <a href="">digital marketing services. </a>

When I embed a video on my page, I want to use a thumbnail so people see it instead of just a blank section. Is there a way to do that?

BY Eric Hammer 1051 7
Jun 25, 2024

I searched for a long time for information about services that write custom essays, because I needed to find a trusted service that will write a paper for me. I found <a href=""></a> and it is very popular among students. And I am very glad that I chose this particular service, b ecause it has everything to order a proper essay at a low price.

Hi, guys,

I asked about this a few months ago and you said it was in the works. It seems like a horrible problem to have URLs that are global to the site. It seems that each user should have their own namespace, so I can have HELLO.MP4 and Fred can have HELLO.MP4 and we don't get a "duplicate file name" error.

You said that there were plans in the works. How's that coming?



BY Stever Robbins 974 4
Photo Editor
Photo Editor
Apr 03, 2024

“Background Eraser Photo Editor” is a photo-cutting app that allows you to auto-remove backgrounds, change backgrounds, and save a PNG image. App for cutting pictures and making a picture's background transparent. AI cartoon effect, Remove BG Cutout Editor, Colorize, photoshop and face editor.
<a href=" ">Background Eraser Photo Editor</a>

We would like people to be able to upload video files to publito from one of our webpages. 

So - We want people to be able to submit short  video reviews. They add their name and email to a form and then will click on browse to find the file on their smartphone or desktop. 

It will then be posted onto our video reviews page

Can this be done with publito?

BY Lloyd Hester 1006 8
j g
j g
May 17, 2024

When I was considering my breast implant procedure, I found an online resource that was incredibly detailed and professional. It covered everything from the initial consultation to the post-surgery recovery, which helped me understand the procedure in a comprehensive way. Its clear explanations managed to ease my uncertainties, and I felt prepared for what was to come. I strongly recommend this resource to anyone considering this procedure. Here is the link for anyone interested. The knowledge I gained truly helped diminish my anxiety.

Why is folder name not allowing to use characters like _ or - etc? These can be allowed as per URL spec.

BY Shubhendu Saurabh 2247 5
file folder name
Ariel wilson
Ariel wilson
Oct 31, 2022

SVG files are quite helpful for animation designers, my sister is one and I often see her using it. I am a psychology student and have been looking for an authentic platform from where I could buy dissertation online assistance for my project but somehow I always land up on the wrong pages.

5 years ago Zipped file link

Can I create a zipped file download link that I can add to a button in an email?

BY Zoe Georgiou 916 4
Apr 23, 2024

I want share my recent discovery that has revolutionized my approach to academic writing in Essayservice blog. I came across their article on why is bilingual education important , and it completely changed my perspective on language learning. The blog post was well-researched, engaging, and provided compelling arguments supporting the significance of bilingual education in today's multicultural society. Thanks to Essayservice, I now have a deeper understanding of the benefits of bilingualism and its impact on cognitive development. If you're interested in expanding your knowledge on various academic topics, I highly recommend exploring Essayservice.

5 years ago Upload progress

Hello, we have website where user logs in and then he can upload some files through standard HTML form. We would like to use publitio as a storage for those files. But we haven't found a way to upload directly to publitio. User has to upload file to our server and then it is uploaded to publitio. Is this the only way or is there some kind of widget that allows user to choose a file and upload directly to publitio through our web site?

And second question, is there a way to view progress while uploading?

Thank you for answers,

Dominik Muller

BY Radek Domansky 983 5
Sep 04, 2024

A while back, I saw an advertisement about and decided to give it a try. I’d been intrigued by the history of the Chernobyl disaster, and the tour didn’t disappoint. It was an intense and thought-provoking experience, offering more than I ever imagined. Exploring Pripyat felt like stepping into a time capsule, and the Red Forest was haunting. This is an ideal choice for anyone interested in history or science. Chernobyl trips uk are both affordable and thoroughly enriching.

The css and js downloads are uncompressed. Is there a reason for this?

I have managed to move the images and mp4 files to my hosts' CDN, since the speeds I got from's CDN wasn't top-notch. I am based in EU, so it might be taht hasn't launched the EU CDN yet? Anyway, I still see non-gzipped versions of the static files:

  • Compressing could save 234.0KiB (77% reduction).
  • Compressing could save 35.5KiB (71% reduction).

    Is there a way for me to enable gzip compression for my site's use of these two files? Downloading and moving them to my server, which is gzipped, did work, but the "play button" disappeared making it look only like images and losing out on cloick to view the videos.


  • BY Frank Kjerstein 952 5
    gzip compression
    Joe chef
    Joe chef
    Jun 11, 2022

    Making a JS image gallery with Publitio, in my opinion, is a little more difficult than programming in Java.